In return for this sponsorship, I will be afforded the opportunity to:
Sponsors must be of reputable character and in good legal standing in the community. A police Canine sponsor cannot be under criminal investigation or indictment by any criminal justice agency, nor can they have any known history of, or affiliation with any criminal activities or criminal organizations.
Sponsorships will only be granted to businesses / corporations / organizations / individuals that reflect a positive image for the community and the police department. No sponsorships will be allowed that are questionable or could bring reproach, discredit, or embarrassment to the department, therefore a background check will be completed on each applicant.
Each potential sponsor must apply, meet all selection criteria, and obtain approval by a sponsorship committee and ultimately the Chief of Police. The committee will ensure the sponsorship is in the best interest of the police department.
If the applicant is approved, the applicant will be directed to make their sponsorship donation to the Police Foundation. Upon receipt of the donation, the sponsorship period will begin.
To begin the process, please fill out the following information. This information is necessary for the required background check, and will be kept strictly confidential.